Article : Introduction and Demonstrations of Turntable Production

  • Types of Operation: Revolving turntables and rotating turntables.
  • Type of Positioning: Orthogonal and upside-down.
  • Orthogonal turntables can be divided into two-stand and straight-stand turntables; or they can be customized.
  • Upside-down types are divided into single-layer and double-layer turntables.
  • Types of Assemblies: One-piece, three-piece, or four-piece models.
  • Types of Materials: SUS304 or titanium turntables.

Demonstration of Revolving and Rotating

Revolving ModelRotating Model

Orthogonal and Upside-down Turntables

Orthogonal: Wafers are placed from the “internal” side of turntablesUpside-down: Wafers are placed from the “external” side of turntables

Types of Turntable Assemblies (Only Revolving Turntables Applicable)

One-piece Revolving ModelThree-piece Revolving Model

Single-layer and Double-layer Turntables

Rotating “Single-layer” Orthogonal Turntables Rotating “Double-layer” Upside-down Turntables

Orthogonal Wafer Turntables: Plates (Two-stand & Standing)

Two-stand Orthogonal ModelStanding Model